Sunday 8 January 2017

Package Specification

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE xx_arcnv01_customer_load_pkg
Author's Name   : Madhu Dhare
Date Written    : 19-Dec-2014
RICEW Object id : AR_CNV_01
Purpose         : Package Specification
Program Style   :
Maintenance History:
Date:                 Name            Version         Remarks
-----------        -------------    -----------   ------------------
19-Dec-2014        Madhu Dhare  0.1          Initial Version
05-Feb-2015        Madhu dhare  1.0          Changes made as per the changes recomended

Public Constant Declaration Section
   g_program_type       xx_emf_message_headers.program_type%TYPE
                                                               := 'CONC_PRGM';
Global Variable Declaration Section
   g_debug_level        NUMBER                                     := 50;
   -- 50 is default, that is all messages(logged at level 10,20..50)
   -- would be visible
   g_retention_period   NUMBER                                     := 30;
   -- This is the number of days for which error records are going
   -- to be retained in the EMF tables
   g_err_col1_width     NUMBER                                     := 10;
   -- These 8 should add up to 100 for best display, you can use
   -- as many columns as you want, adding up to 100, leaving the rest as 0.
   g_err_col2_width     NUMBER                                     := 30;
   g_err_col3_width     NUMBER                                     := 10;
   g_err_col4_width     NUMBER                                     := 10;
   g_err_col5_width     NUMBER                                     := 10;
   g_err_col6_width     NUMBER                                     := 15;
   g_err_col7_width     NUMBER                                     := 15;
   g_err_col8_width     NUMBER                                     := 0;

Public Procedure/Function Declaration Section
Purpose-Main calling Procedure to Import Customer
   PROCEDURE main (
      p_errbuf     OUT      VARCHAR2,
      p_retcode    OUT      VARCHAR2,
      p_run_mode   IN       VARCHAR2
END xx_arcnv01_customer_load_pkg;

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