Sunday, 8 January 2017

Find ut the customer, line item, ordered qty and price info of the Order

SELECT h.order_number, org.NAME customer_name, h.ordered_date order_date,
ot.NAME order_type, s.NAME sales_rep, l.line_id, l.line_number,
l.inventory_item_id, si.segment1, l.ordered_quantity,
NVL (l.ordered_quantity, 0) * NVL (l.unit_selling_price, 0) amount,
h.transactional_curr_code currency_code
FROM ra_salesreps s,
oe_transaction_types_tl ot,
oe_sold_to_orgs_v org,
mtl_system_items_vl si,
oe_order_lines_all l,
oe_order_headers_all h
WHERE h.order_number = 14463
AND h.org_id = 204
AND l.header_id = h.header_id
AND h.sold_to_org_id = org.organization_id
AND (h.cancelled_flag IS NULL OR h.cancelled_flag = 'N')
AND h.open_flag = 'Y'
AND l.open_flag = 'Y'
AND l.service_reference_line_id IS NULL
AND l.inventory_item_id = si.inventory_item_id
AND NVL (si.organization_id, 0) = 204 --Item master orgn
AND h.order_type_id = ot.transaction_type_id
AND h.salesrep_id = s.salesrep_id
AND h.org_id = s.org_id

ORDER BY l.line_id

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