Sunday, 8 January 2017

-Find Customer, Ship to and Bill to information of an Order :

SELECT h.order_number, c.NAME customer_name, lk1.meaning freight_terms,
lk2.meaning fob, s.location_code ship_location_code,
s.address_line_1 ship_address1, s.address_line_2 ship_address2,
s.state ship_state, s.postal_code ship_zip, ship_country,
b.location_code bill_location_code, b.address_line_1 bill_address1,
b.address_line_2 bill_address2, bill_country
FROM ar_lookups lk2,
oe_lookups lk1,
oe_sold_to_orgs_v c,
oe_invoice_to_orgs_v b,
oe_ship_to_orgs_v s,
oe_order_headers_all h
WHERE h.order_number = '123'
AND h.org_id = '204'
AND h.ship_to_org_id = s.organization_id
AND h.invoice_to_org_id = b.organization_id
AND h.sold_to_org_id = c.organization_id
AND h.freight_terms_code = lk1.lookup_code(+)
AND lk1.lookup_type(+) = 'FREIGHT_TERMS'
AND lk2.lookup_code(+) = h.fob_point_code
AND lk2.lookup_type(+) = 'FOB'


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