Saturday, 3 April 2021

Oracle Fusion HCM Interview Questions and Answers


1) Whenever select Business Unit(US) only us employees shoing other then Business units of employees not visible why ? 


2) In HDL Loader what is option :import and export what is the functionality work ?

3) What is content id process id how find out process id we don't have like business object and process id we don't process id


4) Why need import data in fusion system thought HDL loader ?



5) How to HCM extract changed functional data we achieved ?


Ans : the best part HCM extract flexibility mode extract and run ...

   => Change Mode - it compare with privies data then changed data fetching

                     A person prives data noting changed

                     B person changed then fecing the "B"recoded only

   => full mode

6) Which data your extracted for HDL extract?


 Ans : =>    HR and Payroll data to 3rd party service

       =>    providers

       =>    HR and Payroll data to another application in co-existence

   Reposing and process


=> payslip to employee

=> Letter for mass processes such as promotion and salary review

=> statuary reporting 

=>Data achieve

7) We have a lookup name contry_lookup like country_id and country_name whow

11 what is fast formula type?

12 Can you explain HCM extract?

13 What is different between work list and watch list ?

Ans :  in work list you will get approval notification or any other notification 

        In watch list u can see all your pending actions

14 what is the sandbox ?

sandbox A testing environment that isolates untested code changes from the mainline environment so that these changes don't affect the mainline metadata or other sandboxes.

35 what is employee model? Which one you’re using?

36 what is the sand box?

37 what are the absence types?

38 payroll Bach brief and what are your doing explain?

39 what are the lookups?

40 Can you explain complex BI report did you developed? 

41 HCM impotents tables?

42 It is possible to scheduled extract HCM report?

43 how assigned assignment to user?

44 Once get instant access what we will do?

45 how to assigned role to user more than 10 roles ?

46 how find out employees active or not?

47 How to terminated employees?  How to find out status?  

48 Component modal?

49 can you explain BI report?

50 can you explain custom absence types did you setup ?

51 what is context?

52 How to links between data group to records?

53 How to find out eligibility user entities HCM extract?

54 Which table employees terminate stored record?

55 Fast formulas what is the default value and DBI value?

56  Integration Key Map table HCM data loader table?



select object_name, source_system_id, source_system_owner, surrogate_id, rawtohex(guid) guid from fusion.hrc_integration_key_mapwhere source_system_owner ='student1‘

56 how find out HCM extract in BI report path?

Ans : Navigate to Shared Folders - > Human Capital Management -> Payroll -> Data Models -> globalReportsDataModel


57 Manager_id which table will store?

            Ans : Per_assingnment _supervisors_f


58 worker data loader what are the mandatory columns?

 Person name

59 people hire what are mandatory fields and who many tabs open?

60 HCM data loader what errors your facing?

61 HCM mandatory tables?

62 Did you facing content id issues?

63 We have 4 flexfieds how to set person management forma that 4 fields?

64 What are the extract types?

65 which table manager information stored.

Ans  per­­_assignment_supervisors_f

68 Configure Source System Owner

Ans : Navigator -> Setup and Maintenance -> (Click on Task List and click on “Search”)  Once you click on the “Search” link you need to search for “Manage Common Lookups” and then search for Lookup Type as “HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER” and add new entry



1 How to identify DB items in fast formula?

2 How to given DB liken Data group?

3 write a query person name and hire date columns 2017 years data fetch?

4 in fast formula what is context?

5 HDL how may records loaded? Historical data?

6 what is lookups and values set?

7 what is different between job and option?

8 what is payroll user entity?

1)       In HCM extract processed fetch duplicate records how to resolved it ?

2)        HCM data loading two records one correct record second one is update record how loading both scenario ?

3)       What are keys?

4)       What is user entity?

5)       What are LDG and Legal entity?

6)       After employee terminated how many tables effected? in data base how many records have ?













1.       When you start implement ion project what are the first you will do it ?

Answer : The first step is setup ESC Enterprise structure configuration the will do farther steps remaining …


2.       In HDL data loader having source id  is like below can we loaded data ?





Answer : No


3.       What is job and option?

4.       What is grade and grad ladder?

5.       What are absent type and what are the plans?

6.       For paternity what is eligibly plan?

7.        Entitlement usage?

8.        What the flex field?

9.       DFF field having Y/N tow list values when chose Y field shooing below

Passport id

Passport valid date


When I chose N there no records shooing who do it configurations’?


10.    What are global segments?

11.   Without absence types we can create absence plan?  


1 what the mines purpose of enterprise structure?

Answers: in oracle fusion the enterprise purpose of employee across global unique.

2 HDL data loader how to fled fields?

3 HCM extract that are types?

4 HCM extract that are changes MODE types?


Lookup Value



All attributes

Includes all data in the extract. A full extract is run which produces the full data output at that point of time. The archived data is utilized as a baseline.


Changed attributes

Compares this extract run with the previous extract runs and by comparing against the baseline (to identify the incremental data), displays the data that has changed only.


Changed and marked attributes

Includes elements that have changed or marked as mandatory


Changed and marked attributes with previous values

Displays elements that have changed or marked as mandatory plus their previous value


You must run the Payroll Interface with the Attrib_Old mode whenever you use the US ADP PayForce Third-Party Periodic Extract.


Changed, marked attributes, previous data under threading group

Displays the following data under threading data group:

Changed data

Data marked as mandatory

Previous values

Parent data group values


Changed and marked attributes under threading group

Displays the following data under threading data group:

Changed data

Data marked as mandatory

Parent data group values


5HCM data loader what are modes?

6 In BI repots how to billed bursting?

7 in HCM extract the person user entity will fetch the phone no also?

8 what is the content types?



1 Salary holds details of salary proposals for Employee?

Table name : CMP_SALARY columns like SALARY_AMOUNT

2 Department id table?




1 what is relation 2-3 tire employee data modal ?

2 what is the extend flex field  how will set up ?

3 we have requirement like bank amount, employee adjust amount who will conjugation ? it a regular base flex field configuration  ?

4 Absence plan after configuration how to enrollment?

5 absence period how to adjustment?

6 explain geography structure?

7  we have organization have 2 legal entity how to configuration department ?

8 organization trees explain ?

9 what is the login ?

10 When multiple changes per day how find out business objective?

Ans . Used EffectiveSequence Attribute

11 For objects with multiple changes per day, this attribute identifies the latest record for the effective start date.

Ans  Used attribute in meatadate line “EffectiveLatestChange “  METADATA|Assignment|SourceSystemId|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveSequence|EffectiveLatestChange|EffectiveEndDate|...


What's a legal employer?

A legal employer is a legal entity that employs workers. You define a legal entity as a legal employer in the Oracle Fusion Legal Entity Configuration.

The legal employer is captured at the work relationship level, and all assignments within that relationship are automatically with that legal employer. Legal employer information for worker assignments is also used for reporting purposes.

What's a legal address?

A legal address is the mailing address of a legal entity or legal authority. A legal address is also the address a legal entity uses to register with a legal authority.

You can use legal addresses to send correspondence, such as invoices, bills, reports, and so on, to a legal entity or authority.


  • You must create legal addresses before creating legal entities
  • You can create legal addresses for legal authorities when creating legal authorities


What is WSA:

As per the Fast Formula documentation,

“The working storage area is a mechanism for storing global values across
formulas. The values are accessed by name. The names are case-independent”.

There are four working storage area methods:

1.                   WSA_EXISTS

2.                   WSA_DELETE

3.                   WSA_SET

4.                   WSA_GET

How can I reduce the size of my extract output?

In the Delivery tab, set the Compress option as Yes. You can use the compress feature with the WebCenter Content delivery option only. This feature extracts a compressed output, which helps to speed up large file transfers, uploading, and downloading. Compressing the extract output uses less disk space too.




1    Before going load woke data what are the key files setup required?

 2   In rtf template how add in table and columns?

3    UE how will generate?

4  in report how to access financial module reports only ?

 5 how to pay the salary contingent workers pending and non worker?

6 how to find out in order load business objectives?


General Questions :-


1.Anyone had an issue where you added privileges to a role then when you go back and remove those privileges the employee that has the role still has the ability to perform the tasks.I regenerated the role ran sync jobs and the access hasn't reverted back... Or is that it takes a while for the system update at the employee level?

ANS : I would run the "Import Users and Role Application Security Data" scheduled process. Then once this is completed the "Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes"--usually this fixes it for me. Regenerate supposedly is supposed to be sufficient, but sometimes it does not seem to work.


1) whenever select Business Unit(US) only us emplyess shoing other then Bussiness units of emplyees not


2) In HDL Loader what is option :import and expport what is the fustionality work


3) what is content id process id how find out process id we don't have like business object and process id we

don't process id


4) why need import data in fusion system trought HDL loader ?



5) How to HCM extraxt changed funsional data we achvived ?


ans : the best part HCM extract flixbility mode extract and run ...



   => Change Mode - it compare with prives data then changed data feching

                     A person prives data noting changed

                     B person changed then fecing the "B"recoded only

   => full mode




6) which data your extracted for HDL extraxt ?


 Ans : =>    HR and Payroll data to 3rd party service

       =>    providers


       =>    HR and Payroll data to anothere application in co-exitence



   Repoing and process



=> payslip to emplyee


=> Letter for mass processes such as promotion and salary review


=> statury reporting 


=>Data achive



7) we hava a lookup name contry_lookup like country_id and country_name whow



How many key flex fields in HRMS?


There are 6 Key Fields, Namely1. Job KeyFlexFields.2. Position KeyFlexFields.3. Grade KeyFlexFields.4. Cost

Allocation FlexFields.5 . Competence FlexFields.6. People Group FlexField


How do you define B.G.?


Business Group navigation: HR: Work Structures>Organisation>Description


here you will attach the structure of all the Key Flexfields which you define . Also the default Payroll

currency gets attached to the Business group


What are the key tables used in HRMS?


















What is date tracking, how it is used in HRMS ?


date track allows you to maintain a continuous history of the record or information over a period of

can use date track history to view a report of every update ever made to a record..whenever you update a

record a new record gets created with the updated information and the previous record gets end dated a day

before your updation….presence of effective dates in the windows tells that the window is date tracked….in

oracle hrms it is used for assignments and information on workers.


Following are the tasks for system administrator


— Set Profile Options

— Create Menu and Request Group for Custom Responsibilities

— Create Responsibilities

— Create Users

— Attach Responsibilities with User


What are the reporting tools available with Oracle HRMS?


1.Oracle Reports

2. XML Report

3. Discoverer Reports


How is gross pay elements defined in Oracle HRMS?

Gross pay element is nothing but salary paid to the employee before deductions. so in this scenario we can

Assumes that the total amount divide by 12 months right. Firstly we need to create an element follow the below navigation

Total Compensation -> Basics -> Element Description

After the creation of the element we need to create a fast formula that will be calculating the gross amount.

Total Compensation -> Basics -> Formula Results.

Than assign it to the earning element and link the element. So i believe this is how we need to create a gross



What are the tools used with Oracle HRMS?


The tools used in HRMS are:

Discoverer — To develop reports

Web ADI — Either to upload or down load the data from Oracle to legacy system or viceversa

RDF Reports — Standard reports developed by Report Builder

TOAD — Testing Tool

Data Loader — To upload different data into oracle data base

XML Publisher — Integrated Oracle Reports with the help of Microsoft Template Builder


What is the significance of cross validate segments in the Key flexfield structure screen


Cross validation (also known as cross segment validation) controls the combinations of values you can create

When you enter values for key flexfields. A cross validation rule defines whether a value of a particular

Segment can be combined with specific values of other segments.


Cross validation is different from segment validation, which controls the values you can enter for a

Particular segment.


When a user finishes entering segment values in a flexfield popup window, the flexfield checks whether the

values make up a valid combination before updating the database. If the user entered an invalid combination, a

Diagnostic error message appears, and the cursor returns to the first segment assumed to contain an invalid



What is the significance of reference field in a DFF?


Based on the value selected in a particular field,if you want to pop-up DFF segments, then reference field

will be used.

eg:you have a field called Item. if you choose Computer as an Item, then in DFF segments you want to show

Computer Brand name, Size.

If you choose TV as an item , then in DFF you may want to show TV name,TV Color,TV Inches etc

in reference field, we enter :Item as Reference, then in context values, we enter the Item Values and then

Respective Segment names


How do I enter the default value of Key flexfield or DFF segment?


While defining segments or attribute of KFF or DFF in segement(accounting flexfield) window in validation box

select constant in default type and enter default value.



What are costing types?


Fixed costed



what are six validation types?






What is the termination rule of the element?


Actual termination: for a non-recurring element select actual termination if you want the entries to close down at the end of the pay period in which the employee leaves.

Final close: if you want the entries to stay open beyond the employees leaving date so that you can continue to pay the employee.

The last standard process date defaults to the last day of the pay period in which the employee is terminated, but you can set it to a later period when you terminate an employee.

 How can I remove someone from the payroll run?

Roll back the person’s record from the View Person Process Result page, which deletes the record

How do you set the payroll license in Releases 10 and higher?

. Navigator>Setup and Maintenance

Search for task Manage Features by Country or Territory

Select Go to Task

Set the Payroll license by country based on your Fusion licensing.

2) What are Object Groups?

Object groups are user-defined sets of elements or people used to restrict which of these items to include in various processes and reports.

There are four types of object groups:


Payroll Relationship

Work Relationship

Deduction Card

Users can create and maintain object groups in the Manage Object Groups page from the Payroll Calculation work area. Object groups also could be loaded using the batch loader from the Payroll Administration work area or the Data Exchange work area.

3) What are Element Groups?

Element Groups limit the elements processed for payroll, reporting, or cost distribution purposes.

There are two usages for an element group:

Run group

Specifies the elements to use in a process.

Distribution group

Defines the grouping of elements to distribute element costing results.

All element groups are static. You select the element classifications to add and then include or exclude additional elements from the group. Or you can select specific elements to include without using element classifications.

4) What are Payroll Relationship Groups?

Payroll Relationship Groups limit the persons processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting. When defining the group specify the payroll definition which retrieves the payroll relationships assigned to it. Every group is limited to the payroll relationships assigned to a single payroll that you select. You can further define the group statically or dynamically.

If you define the group statically, select the payroll relationships, terms, and assignments to include or exclude in the group.

If you define the group dynamically, use a fast formula of type Payroll Relationship Group to determine the criteria that determines the payroll relationships, terms, and assignments to include in the group. Then you can individually select additional payroll relationships, terms, and assignments to include in or exclude from the group.

5) What are Work Relationship Groups?

Work Relationship Groups limit the persons processed for human resources and reporting. For example, you can use work relationship groups in custom extracts. If you define the group statically, select the work relationships, terms, and assignments to include or exclude in the group. If you define the group dynamically, use a fast formula of type Work Relationship Group to determine the criteria that determines the work relationships, terms, and assignments to include in the group. Then you can individually select additional work relationships, terms, and assignments to include in or exclude from the group.

6) What are Deduction Card Groups?

Deduction Card Groups are read-only. They are automatically created when deductions cards are created. For example, in the UK, they are used for year-end processing.

7) How to include or exclude an employee assignment from a payroll process?

Create a payroll relationship group to include or exclude employees from payroll processes or reports. In Oracle HRMS in EBS this functionality was called Assignment Set.

Navigate to Payroll Calculation work area.
2. Open Manage Object Groups task.
3. Click on Create icon to create a new record.
4. In Create Object Group pop-up enter a name, select Payroll Relationship Group for Type, click on Static radio button. Click Continue.
5. In Create Object Group page select appropriate Start Date.
6. In Object Group Parameter section click on magnifying glass under Value and select a payroll. Click Next.
7. Under Payroll Relationship, Term or Assignment Inclusions and Exclusions click on green plus to add a new record, then click on magnifying glass.
8. In Search and Select pop-up select needed record. Click on the hyperlink of the number on the first column.
9. See the record that has been added to the inclusion or exclusion.
10. Click on Save and Submit.

What is the best practice for the use of Payroll Relationship Group?

When payroll process completes and there are several employees in error, you can rollback or mark for retry these employees either individually in the View Payroll Process Results page or by submitting a Rollback process or Mark for Retry process for a specific payroll relationship group.

Oracle Fusion Payroll delivers several types of involuntary deduction which are available for the element creation:


Child Support

Creditor Debt

Educational Loan and Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA)


Spousal Support and Alimony

And tax levy







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