1)What is the Diff between APPS Schema and other Schemas?
ans: Apps schema contains only Synonyms we can't create tables in apps schema,
where eas other schemas contains tables, & all the objects. Here only we will create the tables
and giving grants on created tables. Almost all every time we will connect to apps schema only.
2)What is meant by Custom Top and what is the Purpose?
ans: Custom Top is nothing but Customer Top, which is created for customer only.
we can have multiple custom tops based on client requirement.
It is used to store developed & customized components.
whenever oracle corp applying patches it will override on all the modules except
custom top. that's why we will use custom top.
3)What is the Significancy of US Folder?
ans: It is nothing but language specification by default it is in american language.
We can have multiple languages folders based on installed languages.
from backend we can get it from FND_LANGUAGES -- COL --INSTALLED_FLAG I,B,D
select language_code,nls_language from fnd_languages
where installed_flag like 'B'
1) Where did U find the Applcation short name and basepath names?
A. select basepath,application_short_name from fnd_application from the backend.
From the front end we can get it Navigation Application Developer.-----> Application---->Register
The application name we will get from FND_APPLICATION_TL
2) Where can U find the release version from backend?
A. SELECT release_name from FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS; ---
4)What are the Folders we will find below the 11.5.0 Folder?
ans: Reports,forms,sql,lib,log,out,bin,admin,html,xml,msg,def, etc
5)Can we create Tables in the Apps Schema?
6)Can we have custom schema when it it required?
ans: yes, we can have custom schema,
when we want to create a new table we required custom schema.
7)What is meant by concurrent Program?
ans: It is nothing but Instance of the execution along with parameters & Incompatibles.
Here Incompatibles nothing but if we are submitting cc programs if any one can be execute
in those program , which programs are not imp yet this time we will mention those programs
in incompatibles tab.
8) What are the steps we will follow to register Reports as Concurrent Program?
ans: First develop the report & save it in local machine.
upload into custom_top/11.5.0/reports/us/
go to system administrator open executable form
create executable by mentioning executable method as reports ,executable as report name which was created.
go to cc program form create concurrent program by attach executable name in executable section.
then attach this concurrent program to request group,
Request group to Responsibility.
Responsibility to User.
9) What is meant by Request group?
ans: It is nothing but collection of cc programs.
10)What is User Exit?
11) Flexfields Reports development
P_FLEXDATA: It is one of the lexical parameter having the default value it is a contribution of all the segment columns,
we will use this lexical parameter in the select statement to retrieve the data from database
P_STRUCT_NUM: This is a bind variable will be used to capture KFF structure number
FND FLEX SQL: It is one of the User Exit we will define in the before report trigger to retrieve KFF segments data
FND FLEXIDVAL: This is another user exit will called from formula column to display the KFF data in the output
1) Call the user ext from before report trigger
2) Call another User Exit from After Report Trigger
3) Define the following parameters
11)Types of User Exits?
12)What are the Mandatory steps we have to follow while registering the Report?
13)How to Print request ID in the Output?
ANS: By using to P_CONC_REQUEST_ID parameter in the report, & take one object field in the layout
by specifying source for that object type is :P_conc_request_id.
14)What is meant by responsibility?
ANS: Responsibility nothing but the collection of Data Group, Request Group and Menu.
15)What are the things are mandatory at the time of creating Responsibility?
Ans: Application Name, Responsibility Key, Effective Dates, Data Group and Menu.
16)What is meant by Data Group?
17)Can we delete Responsibility?
Ans: No We cannot delete Resposibility but we can disable it by using effective dates.
18)What is Errbuf and RetCode?
Ans: This are to mandatory OUT parameters whenever you are going executable method as PL/Sql procedure
Errbuf --- is to display the phase
Retcode--- is to display the status of the program in the SRS window.
19)how to Write the messages into the Output file from PL/SQl Procedure?
Ans: By using FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUT, 'MESSAGE') for outfile
20)What is Control file?Syntax?
Ans: It is a Sql * loader program file to transfer the data from flatfile to stage tables.
21)What is the Diff between Discard file and Bad File?
Ans: It contains the rejected records which are rejected by SQL*Loader,
because of bad format or data type mismatch and so on. The extension of the bad file .bad.
Discard : : It contains the rejected records which are rejected by control file
if we have specified any condition in the control file if record is not satisfying
the condition the complete record will be inserted in the discard file. The extension of file is .dis.
22)How to issue the Commit in Control File?
Ans: Along with the SQLLDR command we can also use the few commands like as bellow
LOAD � Will be used to load the first �N� records
SQLLDER username/password@Hoststring Load=10
SKIP � TO skip the first �n� records
SQLLDER username/password@Hoststring skip=10
ROWS � It will be used to issue the commit after insert �N�records for every 10 records internally auto commit will happen
SQLLDER username/password@Hoststring rows=10
INIT.ORA file contains the default values for the commit point
23)How to insert data into Multiple tables at a time?
Ans: by using WHEN command in ctl file
24)How to pass parameter to the Control file?
Ans : like &1, &2 These are should be in sequential order we cannot skip the sequence.
25)What is Value sets? Types of Value sets?
Ans: It is a Validation Values we will use these to restrict user to enter correct data into the fields
26)What is Token?
27)Is token is required for Procedure Parameters if not Why?
28)Can we define the Parameter for Lexical Parameters?
29)What are the Default types we have?
30)How to Make the Parameter as mandatory or Optional?
31)How to Display the One column data to the User and pass other column data
32)How to register progarm from Backend?
Ans: fnd_program.request
33)How to submit Concurrent Program from Backend?
Ans: fnd_request.submit_request
34)Do we need to issue the Commit statement after calling concurrent program?
Ans: No The apps Environment session is autocommit.
35)What are the types of PO's we have?
Ans: We have Standard, Blanket, Planed , Contract Types.
36)What are the Match Approvals we have?
Ans: We have 2way, 3way , 4 way match approvals.
37)Where the item Name will be stored?
38)What are the levels we have in Purchase Orders form?
Ans: Header, Line, Shipment,Distribution
39)What are the PO Main tables?like Requisition,RFQ,PO,Receipt,Supplier tables?
40)What is Auto Create?
41)What are the things we have to specify in TERMS and CONDITIONS?
42)What is diff between STANDARD po and BLANKET po?
43)Where the BLANKET po Data will be stored?
Ans: PO_headers_all in this we can retrive the BLANKET PO data by specifying Type_lookup_code='BLANKET'
44)How to find the PO details if we give the Requisition No?
45)How to find the receipt no if we give PO number?
Ans: we have a link between these two i.e po_distribution_id,po_header_id in the Rcv_shipment_lines table
46)What are the receipt tables? and as well as receipt types?
Ans: rcv_shipment_headers
We have 3 Receipt types. Direct Delivery, Standard Receipt, Inspection Required.
47)IN the Same table RFQ,QUOTATION,PO data will be stored then how to identify the
information wether it is RFQ data or Quotation data or PO data?
Ans: The Difference we can see in the Type_lookup_code column.
48)What is the flow of Oracle Purchasing Application?
Ans : Requisition-->RFQ--->Quotations--->Qoute Analysis--->PO---> Receipts
49)Is Item filed is mandatory in Purchase Order form?
Ans: Its is not an Yellow field so it is not mandatory, but for which Item we are creating this PO we need to mentioned.
For that porpuse that is mandatory.
50)Where Shipto and Billto Data will be stored?
Ans: In the RA_Customer_trx_all
51)While Creation of Executable we are giving the Application Name and also at the
time of creating the Concurrent Program we are giving Application Name what is
the Diff between these two?
Ans: While Creation of Executable means In which TOP our developed object is reseading.
While CC Program means To Which Responsibility we can attach this Program.
Q)How to set the environment to single organization?
Ans: fnd_client_info.set_org_context('org_id');
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